Tag Archives: Inferno

The Forest by Laird Barron


Title: The Forest
Author: Laird Barron
In: Inferno (Ellen Datlow)
Rating Out of 5: 4 (Really good read!)
My Bookshelves: Horror
Pace: Slow
Format: eBook, Short story
Year: 2007


Something about this short story felt incredibly creepy and goosebump-raising. The entire time I was reading this, I was seriously wigged and uncomfortable. But the kicker? I don’t actually know why this story made me feel that way… which somehow just made it worse. And creepier. Which, of course is kind of why I read horror short stories – for the uncomfortable, creepy feelings.

There were a lot of layers of horror to this story. There were plenty of horrors in the present, but a whole heap in the past as well. And secrets. Which, I swear, sometimes it’s the secrets and realism that make things that little bit more creepy. The scary of the unknown and the knowledge that everyone has secrets helped to add to the layers of this short story – and makes me want to read it again so I pick up on more nuances.

The forest in this story kind of made me think of the Japanese Suicide Forest – in that the forest takes the lives of those who are willing. But, I’m not entirely sure why. It had that eerie feeling of inevitable death throughout. Which kind of made the ending feel a little sad to me – saying goodbye to the future and potential for someone.

<- MisadventureThe Monsters of Heaven ->

Image source: Goodreads

Riding Bitch by K.W. Jeter


Title: Riding Bitch
Author: K.W. Jeter
In: Inferno (Ellen Datlow)
Rating Out of 5: 4 (Really good read!)
My Bookshelves: Horror
Pace: Medium
Format: eBook, Short story
Year: 2007


Riding Bitch jumped around a little in its timeline, but overall had a pretty uncomfortable, dark vibe to it throughout. I kind of loved it too. The fact that it took me a little while to figure out what was going on from the bar to the past just added to that spooky and uncomfortable feeling. Which, of course, is what made me thoroughly enjoy reading this.

It was really hard to tell what was reality and what wasn’t throughout this tale. I mean, it involved drugs, speeding and gross bodily transportation. You don’t want to believe that everything within this is reality, but then, it felt like the majority of it was. I loved this blurring of fiction and reality throughout.

This short story left me feeling eerily uncomfortable. I can’t really explain why, but I definitely had goosebumps. Which is kind of why I enjoy reading horror short stories.

<- InfernoMisadventure ->

Image source: Goodreads

Misadventure by Stephen Gallagher


Title: Misadventure
Author: Stephen Gallagher
In: Inferno (Ellen Datlow)
Rating Out of 5: 4.5 (Amazing, but not quite perfect)
My Bookshelves: Ghosts, Horror
Pace: Slow
Format: eBook, Short story
Year: 2007


This was actually a surprisingly sweet short story, even if it was also horrible. I mean, it had this kind of nice quality about it that somehow softened the edges of the horror. I mean, it’s still slightly horrible, just less so than originally expected.

There are two parallel stories within this tale – both about children whose lives were put at risk because their friends just didn’t want to call for help. I hate that this is not a surprising bent in a horror – it just makes it all that much more depressing that for one of these stories, the outcome was not a positive one. This is probably where the greatest horror of the story comes from – that realistic aspect.

Alongside all of the different creepy parts of this story, I love how there are a lot of ghosts and their lingering. That they continuously linger all around us, trying to get their final bit of peace.

<- Riding BitchThe Forest ->

Image source: Goodreads

The Bedroom Light by Jeffrey Ford

Hauntings: Datlow, Ellen: 9781616960889: Amazon.com: Books

Title: The Bedroom Light
Author: Jeffrey Ford
In: Hauntings (Ellen Datlow) & Inferno (Ellen Datlow)
Rating Out of 5: 3 (On the fence about this one)
My Bookshelves: Horror
Pace: Slow
Format: Short story
Publisher: Tachyon
Year: 2013


This short story felt kind of incredibly creepy, but also not at all at moments. It had that really vague and haunting feel to it. But, I was honestly kind of anticipating a death. Or at least the heavy hinting of a death in it. Maybe it will have a bit more clarity if I read it again…

Everything that was “haunting” and creepy within this story was very easily explained away by normalcy. It did kill a bit of the mood for me, but also highlighted how easily we explain things away. Again, still not sure if this was supposed to be a haunting, a demon child, or people’s paranoia…

The lights flickering in the bedroom were probably the bit that stuck with me the most in this short story. I’m really glad I didn’t read it late at night… before turning off my own bedroom lights.

<- Hula VilleSpectral Evidence ->

Image source: Amazon