The Viscount Who Loved Me: The Second Epilogue by Julia Quinn

Image result for book cover julia quinn the duke and i the second epilogue

Title: The Viscount Who Loved Me: The Second Epilogue
Author: Julia Quinn
Series: Bridgertons #2.5
In: The Bridgertons (Julia Quinn)
Rating Out of 5: 5 (I will read this again and again and again)
My Bookshelves: Historical romanceRegency romance
Dates read: 16th January 2020
Pace: Medium
Format: Short story
Publisher: Avon
Year: 2006
5th sentence, 74th page: She had sent his ball into the lake.


Fifteen years have passed, but the Bridgertons are as devious and diabolical as ever when it comes to life on the croquet field. Join Anthony, Kate, Simon, Daphne, Colin, Edwina, and (of course) the mallet of death, as Julia Quinn shows that happily ever after can still be a little bit wicked… and a whole lot of fun.


One of my favourite things about Kate and Anthony in The Viscount Who Loved Me was the fact that Kate and Anthony are constantly engaged in some kind of witty banter. This second epilogue highlights that aspect of their relationship. Through the game of Pall Mall. And the Mallet of Death. I love that they continue to play this game years after that first iconic game and continue their insane banter and competitiveness with each other.

Even after fifteen years together, I love the Kate and Anthony are competitive and aggressive. They’re so determined to win that they’ll cheat and scheme. Including fight each other over the right to collect the Mallet of Death.

Even though Kate and Anthony are incredibly competitive and spiteful within this story, they are still so very clearly in love. In fifteen years time, I would love to have this same fun and light spirit in my own marriage. One full of banter and witty arguments…

 <- The Viscount Who Loved MeAn Offer From a Gentleman ->

Image source: Julia Quinn

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