The Forest by Laird Barron


Title: The Forest
Author: Laird Barron
In: Inferno (Ellen Datlow)
Rating Out of 5: 4 (Really good read!)
My Bookshelves: Horror
Pace: Slow
Format: eBook, Short story
Year: 2007


Something about this short story felt incredibly creepy and goosebump-raising. The entire time I was reading this, I was seriously wigged and uncomfortable. But the kicker? I don’t actually know why this story made me feel that way… which somehow just made it worse. And creepier. Which, of course is kind of why I read horror short stories – for the uncomfortable, creepy feelings.

There were a lot of layers of horror to this story. There were plenty of horrors in the present, but a whole heap in the past as well. And secrets. Which, I swear, sometimes it’s the secrets and realism that make things that little bit more creepy. The scary of the unknown and the knowledge that everyone has secrets helped to add to the layers of this short story – and makes me want to read it again so I pick up on more nuances.

The forest in this story kind of made me think of the Japanese Suicide Forest – in that the forest takes the lives of those who are willing. But, I’m not entirely sure why. It had that eerie feeling of inevitable death throughout. Which kind of made the ending feel a little sad to me – saying goodbye to the future and potential for someone.

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Image source: Goodreads

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